Command-line options

To run a test, use the molotov runner and point it to the scenario module or path:

Load test.

usage: molotov [-h] [--single-run] [-s SINGLE_MODE] [--config CONFIG]
               [--version] [--debug] [-v] [-w WORKERS] [--ramp-up RAMP_UP]
               [--sizing] [--sizing-tolerance SIZING_TOLERANCE]
               [--delay DELAY] [--console-update CONSOLE_UPDATE]
               [-p PROCESSES] [-d DURATION] [-r MAX_RUNS] [-q] [-x] [-f FAIL]
               [-c] [--statsd] [--statsd-address STATSD_ADDRESS] [--uvloop]
               [--use-extension USE_EXTENSION [USE_EXTENSION ...]]

Positional Arguments


path or module name that contains scenarii

Default: “”

Named Arguments


Run once every existing scenario

Default: False

-s, --single-mode

Name of a single scenario to run once.


Point to a JSON config file.


Displays version and exits.

Default: False


Run the event loop in debug mode.

Default: False

-v, --verbose

Verbosity level. -v will display tracebacks. -vv requests and responses.

Default: 0

-w, --workers

Number of workers

Default: 1


Ramp-up time in seconds

Default: 0.0



Default: False


Sizing tolerance

Default: 5.0


Delay between each worker run

Default: 0.0


Delay between each console update

Default: 0.2

-p, --processes

Number of processes

Default: 1

-d, --duration

Duration in seconds

Default: 86400

-r, --max-runs

Maximum runs per worker

-q, --quiet


Default: False

-x, --exception

Stop on first failure.

Default: False

-f, --fail

Number of failures required to fail

-c, --console

Use simple console for feedback

Default: False


Activates statsd

Default: False


Statsd Address

Default: “udp://localhost:8125”


Use uvloop

Default: False


Imports a module containing Molotov extensions


Cancel all pending workers on shutdown

Default: False