API & Fixtures ============== To write tests, the only function you need to use is the :func:`scenario` decorator. .. autofunction:: molotov.scenario If you don't want scenarii to be picked randomly given the weights, you can provide your own scenario picker function, by decorating it with the :func:`scenario_picker` decorator. .. autofunction:: molotov.scenario_picker Molotov also provides optional decorators to deal with test fixtures. The lifecycle of a test is shown in the diagram below, and test fixtures can be used to run functions at various stages. .. image:: _static/lifecycle.jpg .. autofunction:: molotov.global_setup .. autofunction:: molotov.setup .. autofunction:: molotov.setup_session .. autofunction:: molotov.teardown_session .. autofunction:: molotov.teardown .. autofunction:: molotov.global_teardown Here's a full example, in order of calls: .. literalinclude:: ../../molotov/tests/example4.py You can also implement your own session factory, using the `session_factory` decorator: .. autofunction:: molotov.session_factory